Tuesday, March 11, 2014

{as i #amwriting} Bootcamp Update #1

So apparently accountability is a bit too heavy of a magic word for me, in some circumstances. Yesterday, I was so desperate to be able to post some concrete updates that I missed posting on Monday entirely!

So, this post is late. I have no good excuses for that, except my own neurotic tendencies.

In any case, though, updates are updates, and I have quite a few!

First of all, I am ridiculously excited to be part of an accountability team with Dahlia and Lindsay, the same lovely ladies who led me to the boot camp, as well as Tiffany, Mara and Ellen! Yay team! We still need a name, but being organized is half of the battle, yes?

I mean, a team. I am part of a team of awesome people! Guys, I am so excited. I cannot even.

(If you're curious about the other teams, see here.)

So, now, the actual updates.

I did not finish the Dragon Draft. Yet. I've been tossing in a handful of words per day, though, and I think my slowness is more a matter of just being exhausted with this story, rather than loving it too much like I previously thought.

I still adore my protagonist, and her world, and the dragons (of course), but I would like to move on to new shinies now, and since I know how it ends, it feels like I'm prolonging the obvious and inevitable.

But March isn't over yet, right?

I have made progress with the Asian fantasy. Yesterday, I was talking a little bit about it - and how getting to know my heroine has been much like peeling a potato, but in a good way.

You know how you rub off the dirt and cut out the eyes and reveal the smooth, clean flesh underneath?

That is what I've been doing - no actual draft work, but just notes and snippets and thoughts on friendship. And I'm, surprisingly for me, very pleased with that. I'm still counting these notes as words down, since I'm sure that they will find their way into the draft here and there.

This story is the story of my heart, but it is not an easy child to love. I'm hoping that we're finally finding even ground between the two of us, because I'm not giving up.*

In other news...

I'm madly in love with Scrivener now - specifically, since I've started using it for Asian Fantasy (Dragon Draft was started in Word, and will be finished there, as I am not in the mood to try and transfer it in its monstrous bulk).

Commander Tash says that it looks pretty, which I take as a high compliment. (I'll probably post a screencap for the Friday update, so stay tuned!)

Plans for This Week?

I am desperate to finally earn a sticker. Yes, I am finally utilizing the Sticker Method, and I'm pretty sure that it will work out - as soon as I earn a sticker. Impatient? You betcha.


 I'm also thinking of following some of the other boot camp members' leads, and making a spreadsheet of my daily word count. We'll see how that goes, though.

Mainly, I'm hoping to hit my stride in both drafts, and continue to let the inspiration flow. 

How was your week of writing? Any updates to share?

*If you're part of my team, and want to know more about what I'm talking about in terms of drafts and summaries, feel free to nudge me.


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