Tuesday, March 25, 2014

{as i #amwriting} Bootcamp Update #3

Mara is making me eat humble pie today, because she said that if I kept updating late, I would enter a loop and slog hopelessly behind the rest of the team every week.

Well, this is me admitting it: Mara was right.

But I'm going to make sure she isn't next week.

In any case, the League of Antagonists have survived the first two weeks of the boot camp! And look, since it's only Tuesday, I still have the rest of the week to be productive and show off my writing cred. Hip, hip, hooray!

On to my updates...

Dragon Draft is coming along. Because of homework and that social media project most of my team was bombarded with yesterday (sorry), I didn't really log in that many words this weekend. I am determined this week, though, that the writing slump shall not persevere.

BUT, I did sit down and reanalyze the outline I devised for the last few chapters of the draft. Something you should know about me: I typically do not like the endings for my first drafts. But then again, who really does?

So, taking that into account, I'm 75% sure that I'll just cut half the chapters planned and put in a placer ending to edit later. I really would like to finish this draft this weekend, so I can move on to Other Things without guilt.

I'm still taking notes for Asian Fantasy. I'm keeping my mind open and, using Susan Dennard's FRAB to FAB blog series with my bestie, attempting to break down the insecurities that have always plagued me about this book, and writing in general.

It is a hard process, but one I intend to power through in the end.

I keep scribbling throughout the day in my notebook. My protagonist is opening up more than she has in the few years I've been tackling this idea, so I am still taking it as a good omen.

I'm cultivating new ideas. In my Bootcamp intro post, I mentioned that there was another idea I had lined up after Dragon Draft. I have a bare-bone outline laid out for that now, and I'm definitely planning to sit down sometime this week and savor every moment of planning this new gem.

Have I mentioned already that I love new ideas and I will obsess over them and name every side character playful little working names (such as Baker and That Guy Everyone Hates Because He Always Brings Bad News) in my head and make Pinterest boards to no end?

I proudly indulge my inner Mabel. All the plot happiness, all the cookies, all the sprinkles.

Well, I'm that type of writer.

I also have a few other ideas I'd like to tackle throughout the year, and I'm taking it on myself that, if they seem particularly gleaming and full of potential, I'd like to devote a little time to setting up their plot lines.

In other news...

As with last weekend, this one was completely tied up in discussions of diversity, stereotypes and other notable news that you have probably already heard. So that happened.

I am gaining some headway on my reading this year! The bar filling up with my Goodreads challenge makes me happy. Now, if only I could convince myself to review more often...

Plans for this week?

As with last week, a few stickers here and there wouldn't hurt. My lovely friend Nicole also pointed me in the direction of the Don't Break the Chain posters for 2014, and suggested that as another way to keep myself Accountable.

Seeing as it's the end of March and a few measly crosses will probably make me even less happy with my productivity, this might be a good thing to start in April, but we'll see what happens there.

And of course, more Dragon Draft progress, please and thank you.


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